Dalla ricerca sulle isole

Dal lavoro Isole: 
è proseguita una ricerca sui materiali di recupero, quasi un collegamento alle origini della mia poetica.
Un'evoluzione verso altri micro mondi. 
La stoffa intorno a noi è tanta, penso a come farla rivivere attraverso l'arte creando arcipelaghi e isole diverse che raccontino storie più o meno "silenziose". 

Work From Islands: 
continued research into materials recovery, as a link to the origins of my poetry.
A micro-evolution to other worlds.
The cloth around us is so great, I think about how to revive it through art, creating islands and archipelagos that tell different stories more or less "silent".

Islands, 2012
mixed media, cloth, rope,
and photo on wood.

The island is made of recovered clothes and a picture. It is made of soft materials. It is made of different places linked one to each other through a sentence. And the link, AMO, is at the centre. AMO, the fishing hook, kills the fish and connect two things without a link between them. However, how to leave on an island without a hook? The person staying on the island is reflected and shown in the picture. The water is everywhere. A white, indistinct surface/sea is holding the different parts which are interconnected through light strings, anchored with small nails, twisted like braids. Other braids link the outside world. The work is open. The work is open to the world.

  Loretta Zaganelli

Yellow life, 2012
mixed media, acrylic, cloth and ropes
on wood.

The vagina is opening. The vagina and the white contain two linked dimensions. The vagina and the white are pure love and sex. Love and life. And the yellow, hot, dense sperm filling the open opening. Sex and pleasure. And the body is tense, like the tense ropes. Several vital sperms are flowing towards the ovum. And the ovum is not spherical. The ovum is stretched out and lengthened.
Fulvio Celico

The unexpected, 2012
mixed media, cloth and ropes
on wood.

Violence…  on a woman without.
Without face. Without personality, because it was destroyed and removed.
Her body is tense. Her body is tied. Her body is defenceless. Her body is just meat.
Arrow and arm. Arrow like a penis. And the penis has no body, no face. A slight, white paper is covering an invisible, cruel, male world.
The whole scene is immersed in a white, empty space. The whole scene is immersed in a wide, deafening indifference.

Fulvio Celico


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